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ePortfolio Graduate Assistant

Center of High Impact Practices

Old Dominion University, 2019 - Current

ePortfolio Assistants are peer mentors trained to support students as they develop ePortfolios for a variety of contexts. Through individual appointments, and Open Studio Hours, the assistants help students work with digital programs, answering specific questions regarding how to do various actions as well as offering general feedback on the design, content, and function of an ePortfolio.


As a graduate assistant, I perform the above description plus, facilitate graduate workshops and cover the social media for the ePortfolio Studio. 


You can read about my experience as an ePortfolio Assitant here!

I have completed one semester a the Graduate ePortfolio Assistant. I still continue to offer individual ePortfolio tutoring appointments each week for undergraduate students. I have been making strides to reach the graduate population by increasing graduate awareness and the use of ePortfolios.

Below you can see find my Fall 2019 statistics for graduate student assistance and the Introduction to ePortfolios for Graduate Students PowerPeoint

ePortfolio Reflection

In this document below, I discuss my strengths and weaknesses, my challenges, my tutoring approaches, and my overall opinion on how my semester went in the ePortfolio Studio.

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